SkoolunteerCity is a platform for ‘SkoolHerRight’ Citizen Marshalls that serve as ‘National Volunteer Educators for Sustainable Transformation’ (NVEST) across States and communities in Nigeria, providing social, cultural, economic, political, digital and SDG learning opportunities to empower the next generation with non-curricular skill sets, mindsets and leadership toolkits for National Development and societal transformation.

The platform also recognizes registered volunteer teachers as a community of "SDG 4NVESTors", pioneering and championing the'Education2Transform'Agenda of the Skool EveryGirl Nigeria Initiative.

The SkoolunteerCity Project is situated to empower Skool Every Girl Marshalls to engage, educate and enable students in primary and secondary schools across Nigeria with healthcare kits and startup innovation incentives, alongside scholarship opportunities and digital learning devices to get students ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR).

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